
李东 (长安大学图书馆)


〔关键词〕 公共图书馆 数字素养 加拿大 多伦多

文章采用网络调查和文献调研法,分析梳理了加拿大多伦多公共图书馆数字素养教育的实践经验,为我国公共图书馆开展数字素养教育提供了有益参考:重视数字素养教育,加强制度法规建设;丰富实践主题形式,关注数据隐私安全;深入践行数字包容理念,普及特殊群 体数字素养教育;构筑数字培养空间,增强自主创新能力;重视多元合作交流,推动资源开放共享。

1. Australian Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy. National Digital Economy Strategy[EB/OL]. [2021-10-30]. https://apo.org.au/sites/default/files/resource-files/2011-05/apo-nid227751.pdf.
2. The American  Library Association's  Office of Information Technology Policy's Digital Literacy Task Force. Digital Literacy, Libraries, and Public Policy[EB/OL]. [2021-11-10]. https://alair.ala. org/handle/11213/16261.
3. 余慧菊 , 杨俊锋 . 数字公民与核心素养:加拿大数字素养教 育综述 [J]. 现代教育技术,2019,29(7):5-11.
4. European Commission. The Digital Competence Framework 2.0[EB/OL]. [2021-12-06]. https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/digcomp/digital- competence-framework.
5. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. IFLA Statement on Digital Literacy[EB/OL]. [2017-08-18]. https://repository.ifla.org/bitstream/123456789/1283/1/ifla_digital_literacy_ statement.pdf.
6. Law N, Woo D, De L T J, et al. A Global Framework of Reference on Digital  Literacy Skills for Indicator 4.4.2[R]. Montreal: UNESCO Institute for Statistics,  2018:47.
7. 中共中央网络安全和信息化委员会.提升全民数字素养与技能行动纲要 [EB/OL].[2021-11-05].http://www.cac.gov.cn/2021-11/05/c_1637708867754305.htm.
8. Government of Canada. Connecting Canadians[EB/OL].  [2021-11-10].  https://www.ic. gc.ca/eic/site/028.nsf/eng/50010.html.
9. Julien H, Helliwell M. Libraries as instruments  of information policy: the role of Canadian public libraries in 'Connecting Canadians'[C]. Quebec City: Proceedings of the Annual  Conference of CAIS/Actes  Du congrès Annuel De l'ACSI, 2001:348-349.
10. Wikipedia.  Toronto Public Library[EB/OL].  [2021-11-10]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toronto_Public_Library.
11. 肖俊洪 . 数字素养 [J]. 中国远程教育,2006(5):32-33.
12. Gilster P. Digital Literacy[M]. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997:25-48.
13. Eshet-Alkalai Y. Digital literacy: a conceptual  framework for survival skills in the digital era[J]. Journal of Educational  Multimedia and Hypermedia, 2004, 13(1): 93-106.
14. Eshet-Alkalai Y. Thinking in the digital era: a revised model for digital  literacy[J]. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 2012, 9: 267-276.
15. Ferrari A. DIGCOMP: a framework for developing  and understanding digital competence in Europe[EB/OL]. [2021-11-10]. https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/a410aad4-10bf-4d25-8c5a-8646fe4101f1/language-en.
16. 叶兰 . 欧美数字素养实践进展与启示 [J]. 图书馆建设,2014(7):17-22.
17. 李春卉 . 英国高校图书馆数字素养教育实践及启示 [J]. 图书馆建设,2017(8):78-82, 89.
18. 张静 , 回雁雁 . 国外高校数字素养教育实践及其启示 [J].图书情报工作,2016, 60(11):44-52.
19. 蔡韶莹 . 美国公共图书馆儿童数字素养教育调研与分析 [J]. 图书馆建设,2020(6):142-151.
20. 宋毓 , 饶俊丽 . 国内外数字素养研究热点计量分析 [J]. 国 家图书馆学刊,2020(1):87-98.
21. Velji A. Strengthening communities: the role of the public library as a site of connection[EB/OL]. [2020-02-19]. https://www. homelesshub.ca/blog/strengthening-communities-role-public-library- site-connection.
22. Morehart P. International Innovators—ALA  Presidential Citations  honor forward-thinking global libraries[EB/OL].  [2019-07-17]. https://americanlibrariesmagazine.org/2019/07/17/international- innovators/.
23. Goodyear S. Smart city technology and civic engagement in Ontario, Canada: case examples from Toronto and Barrie[M]//Taher M. Handbook of research on the role of libraries, archives, and museums in achieving civic engagement and social justice in smart cities. Hershey: IGI Global, 2022:376-395.
24. 严贝妮 , 卫玉婷 . 加拿大公共图书馆参与文化扶贫的研究 与启示 [J]. 图书情报工作,2021,65(2):126-136.
25. CanAge.  Toronto Public Library[EB/OL]. [2021-12-14]. https://www.canage.ca/partners/partnership-opportunities/tpl/.
26. 张靖 , 李晗 , 林宋珠 , 等 . 加拿大多伦多公共图书馆残障 用户服务研究 [J]. 中国图书馆学报,2013,39(6):86-100.
27. Demers J. Make new friends, but keep the old: introducing digital innovation services at the Toronto Public Library[C]. Columbus: IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2016, 2016:1-9.
28. The Glass Room[EB/OL]. [2021-12-26].  https://theglassroom. org/.
29. Cisco Networking Academy. Toronto public library: honoring a mission to meet community needs[EB/OL].  [2021-12-28].  https://www.netacad.com/zh-hans/careers/success-stories/toronto-public-library- honoring-mission-to-meet-community-needs.
30. 潘燕桃 , 崔庆林 , 耿纪昌 . 提升全民数字素养 打赢反诈人 民战争 [J]. 图书馆论坛,2021,41(12):10-11.
31. 习近平主持中央政治局第三十四次集体学习:把握数字 经济发展趋势和规律 推动我国数字经济健康发展 [EB/OL]. [2021-10-19]. http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2021-10/19/content_5643653.htm.
32. 马捷 , 姚艾昕 , 毛若竹 . 后疫情时代图书馆公民数字素养 培育模式创新 [J]. 图书与情报,2021(2):75-83.
33. 甘肃省图书馆学会 . 玉门市图书馆开展假期青少年电脑 培 训 班 [EB/OL]. [2022-01-02]. https://www.gslib.com.cn/gsstsgxh/yjdt/ content _6383.
34. 广州图书馆 . 广州图书馆普及数字培训,升级助老服 务——记“广图·蓝马甲公益行”系列活动 [EB/OL]. [2022-01-02]. http://www.gzlib.org.cn/hdActReport/191507.jhtml.
35. 广西壮族自治区图书馆 . 阅读点亮心灯——广西图书 馆 成 功 举 办 盲 人 数 字 阅 读 推 广 主 题 活 动 [EB/OL]. [2022-01-02]. http://w.gxlib.org.cn/news_show.aspx?id=11307.
36. 云南省图书馆 . 云南省图书馆举办文化共享工程“贫困地 区公共数字文化服务提档升级及进村入户”培训 [EB/OL]. [2022-01-02]. http://www.ynlib.cn/Item/80521.aspx.
37. 罗素洁 . 公共图书馆打造创新空间的方法和路径——以 杭州市余杭区为例 [J]. 河南图书馆学刊,2021,41(9):20-22.
38. 嘉 兴 市 图 书 馆 打 造 数 字 众 创 空 间 [EB/OL]. [2022-01-02]. https://www.chnlib.com/wenhuadongtai/2017-05/230177.html.
39. 浦东图书馆的主题科普之路:“数字体验嘉年华”[EB/OL]. [2022-01-02]. https://www.sohu.com/a/277116578_99958728.
40. 许丽丽 , 高大伟 . 澳大利亚面向公众的数字素养教育及其启示 [J]. 情报探索,2019(12):46-50.

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