
孙绍伟 (中山大学信息管理学院)


〔关键词〕 人文研究者 信息查寻行为 影响因素 数字赋能


1. Rumsey A S. New Model Scholarly Communication: Road Map for Change[R/OL]. [2023-05-19]. http://uvasci.org/institutes-2003-2011/SCI-9-Road-Map-for-Change.pdf.
2. 刘兹恒,涂志芳.数字学术环境下学术图书馆发展新形态研究——以空间、资源和服务“三要素”为视角[J].图书情报工作,2017,61(16):15-23.
3. 吴岩.新使命 大格局 新文科 大外语[J].外语教育研究前沿,2019,2(2):3-7,90.
4. 樊丽明.“新文科”:时代需求与建设重点[J].中国大学教学,2020(5):4-8.
5. 刘志伟,王蕾.数字人文与新文科发展[M].北京:社会科学出版社,2022:3-18.
6. Trace C, Karadkar U. Information management in the humanities: scholarly processes, tools, and the construction of personal collections [J]. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,2017,68(2):491-507.
7. Kamposiori C, Warwick C, Mahony S. Embedding creativity into digital resources: Improving information discovery for art history[J]. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2022, 37(2):469-482.
8. Given L M, Willson R. Information technology and the humanities scholar: Documenting digital research practices[J]. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2018, 69(6):807-819.
9. 邱子恒.中文系教师信息行为之研究:以辅仁大学为例[J].中国图书馆学报,2011,37(2):61-74.
10. Kachaluba S B, Brady J E, Critten J. Developing humanities collections in the digital age: exploring humanities faculty engagement with electronic and print resources[J]. College and Research Libraries, 2014, 75(1):91-108.
11. Chrzastowski T E, Wiley L N. E-book use and value in the humanities: Scholars practices and expectations[J]. Library Resources and Technical Services, 2015, 59(4):172-186.
12. Late E, Kumpulainen S. Interacting with digitised historical newspapers: Understanding the use of digital surrogates as primary sources[J]. Journal of Documentation, 2021, 78(7):106-127. 
13. Kumpulainen S, Late E. Struggling with digitized historical newspapers: Contextual barriers to information interaction in history research activities[J]. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2022, 73(7):1012-1024.
14. Sinn D, Soares N. Historians' use of digital archival collections: the web, historical scholarship, and archival research [J]. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2014, 65(9):1794-1809.
15. 肖鹏,姚楚晖.走向数字时代的人文学者:泛LIS视域下的进展与反思[J].文献与数据学报,2019,1(3):18-25.
16. 肖鹏,衣春波.万华镜里的自画像:关于中国人文学者数字学术认知与需求的质性研究[J].图书情报工作,2021,65(7):4-14.
17. 朱思苑,卢章平.人文学者学术研究的数字能力现状分析[J].图书情报工作,2019,63(17):84-92.
18. 练靖雯,王筱纶,赵宇翔.数字人文学者的技术就绪度调研及数字赋能策略[J].图书馆论坛,2019,39(11):1-13.
19. Makinen M. Digital empowerment as a process for enhancing citizens' participation[J]. E-learning, 2006, 3(3):381-395.
20. 肖鹏,赵庆香,方晨.从“赋能”到“技术赋能”:面向新发展阶段的图书馆(学)核心概念体系[J].图书馆建设,2021(2):43-49.
21. Kabeer N. Resources, Agency, Achievements: Reflections on the Measurement of Women's Empowerment[J]. Development and Change, 1999, 30(3):435-464.
22. Li Z, Li H, Wang S. How Multidimensional Digital Empowerment Affects Technology Innovation Performance: The Moderating Effect of Adaptability to Technology Embedding[J]. Sustainability, 2022, 14(23):15916. 
23. 雷巧玲.授权赋能研究综述[J].科技进步与对策,2006(8):196-199.
24. 陈海贝,卓翔芝.数字赋能研究综述[J].图书馆论坛,2019,39(6):53-60,132.
25. 陈向明.扎根理论的思路和方法[J].教育研究与实验,1999(4):3-5.
26. 刘炜,谢蓉,张磊,等.面向人文研究的国家数据基础设施建设[J].中国图书馆学报,2016,42(5):29-39.
27. 贾明霞,赵宇翔,宋小康.人文学者数字囤积行为模式及形成机理探索——基于关键事件技术法的访谈[J].图书情报工作,2023,67(4):55-67.
28. Li Y, Belkin N J. A faceted approach to conceptualizing tasks in information seeking[J]. Information Processing & Management, 2008, 44(6):1822-1837.
29. Li Y, Li Y, Pan Y, et al. Work-task types, stages, and information-seeking behavior of strategic planners[J]. Journal of Documentation, 2019, 75(1):2-22.
30. 方爱华,陆朦朦,刘坤锋.虚拟社区用户知识付费意愿实证研究[J].图书情报工作,2018,62(6):105-115.
31. Sedighi M, Splunter S V, Brazier F , et al. Exploration of multi-layered knowledge sharing participation: the roles of perceived benefits and costs[J]. Journal of Knowledge Management, 2016, 20(6):1247-1267.
32. Lin K Y, Wang Y T, Huang T K. Exploring the antecedents of mobile payment service usage[J]. Online Information Review, 2020, 44(1):299-318. 
33. Delone W H, Mclean E R. The DeLone and McLean Model of Information Systems Success: A Ten-Year Update[J]. Journal of Management Information Systems, 2003, 19(4):9-30. 
34. 查先进,张坤,严亚兰.数字图书馆智能信息推荐服务满意度影响机理的扎根研究[J].情报学报,2022,41(1):83-95.
35. Wixom B H, Todd P A. A Theoretical Integration of User Satisfaction and Technology Acceptance[J]. Information Systems Research, 2005, 16(1):85-102. 
36. Vuorikari R, Kluzer S, Punie Y. DigComp 2.2: The Digital Competence framework for citizens - With new examples of knowledge, skills and attitudes[R/OL]. [2023-06-01]. https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2760/115376.
37. Ingwersen P, Jrvelin K. The turn: integration of information seeking and retrieval in context[M]. Berlin: Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated, 2011:821-822.
38. 李月琳,胡玲玲.基于环境与情境的信息搜寻与搜索[J].情报科学,2012,30(1):110-114.
39. 吴丹,李一喆.不同情境下老年人网络健康信息检索行为与认知研究[J].图书馆论坛,2015,35(2):38-43.
40. 肖珑.人文社会科学繁荣发展的软性基础设施建设[J].图书情报工作,2011,55(1):5-9.
41. 孙绍伟.学术图书馆数字学术服务战略方向研究[J].图书馆杂志,2023,42(10):34-45.
42. Thomas K W,Velthouse B A. Cognitive elements of empowerment: An “interpretive” model of intrinsic task motivation [J]. Academy of Management Review, 1990, 15(4):666-681.
43. 中华人民共和国国家互联网信息办公室.提升全民数字素养与技能行动纲要[EB/OL]. (2021-11-05)[2023-06-29]. http://www.cac.gov.cn/2021-11/05/c_1637708867754305.htm.

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