
王文韬 谢阳群 李 力 (武汉大学信息管理学院 淮北师范大学)


〔关键词〕 虚拟现实技术 图书馆 应用 对策

〔摘    要〕    虚拟现实作为一种新型技术近年来正受到越来越多的关注。文章对虚拟现

1. Sheridan T B. Defining our  terms[J]. Presence: Teleopera-
tors and virtual environments, 1992, 1(2): 272-274
2. Krueger M. Artificial Reality 2[M]. Reading: Addi-
son-Wesley Professional, 1991
3. Boas Y. Overview of virtual reality technologies[C]. //Inter-
active Multimedia Conference, 2013
4. Ahlberg G, Enochsson L, Gallagher A G, et al. Proficien-
cy-based virtual reality training significantly reduces the error rate 
for residents during their first 10 laparoscopic cholecystectomies [J]. 
American Journal of Surgery, 2007, 193(6):797-804
5. Zyda M. From visual simulation  to virtual reality  to 
games[J]. Computer, 2005, 38(9): 25-32
6. Dede C, Salzman M C, Loftin R B. ScienceSpace: Virtual 
realities for learning complex and abstract scientific concepts[C]. //
Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium, Proceedings of the 
IEEE, 1996:246-252, 271
7. Moshell M. Three views of virtual reality: virtual environ-
ments in the US military[J]. Computer, 1993, 26(2):81-82
8. Ye J, Badiyani S, Raja V, et al. Applications of virtual real-
ity  in product design evaluation[M]. Human-Computer Interaction. 
HCI Applications and Services. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007
9. 赵金龙,胡小丽,王硕, 等.利用Web3D技术建设数
字图书馆平台的研究 [J]. 大学图书馆学报 , 2011, 29(1):51-
10. 刘柏 . Second Life 架构剖析 [J]. 程序员 , 2008(2): 
11. Yi Xiao D. Experiencing the library in a panorama virtual 
reality environment[J]. Library Hi Tech, 2000, 18(2):177-184
12.王晨晨. 虚拟现实技术及其在图书馆的应用[J]. 图书
馆学研究:应用版 , 2011(20):34-37
13.高义栋,李曼曼,雍炎炎, 等.基于UDK引擎的图
书馆虚拟漫游系统的设计与实现[J].现代教育技术, 2013, 23
14. Prensky M. Digital natives, digital  immigrants part 1[J]. 
On the horizon, 2001, 9(5): 1-6
15. Csikszentmihalyi M. Beyond boredom and anxiety[M]. 
Jossey-Bass, 2000
16. Nicholson D T, Chalk C, Funnell W R J, et al. Can virtual 
reality  improve anatomy education? A randomised controlled study 
of a computer‐generated three‐dimensional anatomical ear mod-
el[J]. Medical education, 2006, 40(11): 1081-1087
17. Grantcharov T P, Kristiansen V B, Bendix J, et al. Random-
ized clinical  trial of virtual reality simulation  for  laparoscopic skills 
training[J]. British Journal of Surgery, 2004, 91(2):146-150
18. Rothbaum B O, Hodges L, Smith S, et al. A controlled study 
of virtual reality exposure  therapy  for  the  fear of  flying[J]. Journal of 
consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2000, 68(6): 1020-1026
19. 南国农.从视听教育到信息化教育——我国电化教
25 年 [J]. 中国电化教育 , 2003(9):22-25
20.王世伟. 论智慧图书馆的三大特点[J]. 中国图书馆学
报 , 2012(6):22-28
21. 苏东出. 从可视虚拟书店到虚拟图书馆——谈虚拟现
实技术在数字图书馆的应用 [J]. 现代情报 , 2009, 29(7):98-101
22. Zurkowski P G. The Information Service Environment Re-
lationships and Priorities[M]. National Commission on Libraries and 
Information Science, 1974
23. Shapiro J J, Hughes S K. Information  literacy as a  liberal 
art?[J]. Educom Review, 1996(31):31-35

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