
李芙蓉 (上海大学图书情报档案系)


〔关键词〕 图书馆学教育 少儿服务 儿童福利 童书出版 少儿图书馆员

〔摘    要〕    图书馆少儿服务事业是图书馆事业的重要组成部分,其专业人才的培养依
赖一定的教育体系。19 世纪末 20 世纪初,美国社会已经为儿童图书馆学教育的展开创造了

1. U.S. Bureau of  the Census. Historical statistics of  th
United States: Colonial times to 1970. Part I. (Bicentennial ed.)[R
Washington, DC,1975
2. U.S. Bureau of  the Census. How we’re changing: Demo
graphic state of the nation:1990(Current Population Reports Speci
Studies, Series P-23, No. 170)[R]. Washington, DC,1990
3. BarBara Elizabeth Brand.Theinfluence of higher education o
sex-typing  in  three professions 1870-1920:  librarianship, social wo
and public health [D]. Washington: University of Washington,1978:45
4. Kathleen McDowell. The cultural origins of youth servic
es  librarianship, 1876-1900[D]. University of Illinois at Urba
na-Champaign: Dissertation Abstracts International, 2007:169
5. Donald Davis. Encyclopedia of  library history[M]. Ne
York: Garland Pub., 1994:127
6. Elizabeth Dale Ross. The kindergarten crusade:  the esta
bilishement of preschool education  in  the united states[M].Athen
Ohio University Press, 1976:120
7. Sybille Anna Jagusch. First among equals, Caroline M. 
Hewins and Anne C.Moore: Foundations of  library work with chil-
dren[M].UMI Dissertation Services,1990:185
8. Mina Julia Carson. Settlement  folk: social  thought and  the 
American settlement movement, 1885-1930[M]. Chicago: Univer-
sity of Chicago Press, 1990:27
9. Allen Davis. Spearheads  for reform:  the social settlements 
and the progressive movement, 1890-1914[M]. New Jersey: Rutgers 
University Press.1985:29
10. Mary E.S. Root.As it was in the beginning Caroline M. Hew-
ins, lover of children [J]. Public Libraries ,1925,30(5):246-250
11. B.W. Pennock. The other side of Paternalism[J], Library 
Journal,1900, 24(2):61
12. Mary Salome Cutler. Home  libraries[J]. Library Jour-
nal,1892, 17(8):14
13. Harriet G.Long. Public  library service  to children:  foun-
dation anddevelopment [M]. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1969
14. 邹毓俊 . 印刷概论 [M/OL]. 武汉 : 武汉测绘学院 :1985.
15. John William Tebbel. A history of book publishing  in  the 
United States[M]. R. R. Bowker Co.,1981:482
16. Frank Luther Mott. Golden Multitudes: The Story of Best 
Sellers in the United States[M]. New York:MacMillan, 1966:76
17.魏龙泉. 美国童书出版史上的六位先驱者[J]. 出版史
18. Holly G. Willett.Public  library youth services: a public 
policy approach[M]. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Pub., 1995:87
19. 伦纳德·S.马库斯,周丹,任殿顺. 美国童书黄金时
代 [J]. 出版人,2014(7):69
20. UIUC GSLIS. Center  for Children’s Books[EB/OL].
21. UNC-CH SILS.Library[EB/OL].[2014-06-10]. http://li-
22. ALA. The John Newbery Medal  [EB/OL].[2014-06-10]. 
23. Jesse Hauk Shera. Foundations of  the public  li-
brary:  the origins of  the public  library movement  in new eng-
land,1629-1885[M].Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1949:156
24. William I.Fletcher.Public  libraries and  the young// De-
partment of the Interior, Bureau of Education. Public libraries in the 
United States:  their history, condition and management[M].Wash-
ington, DC:US.Government Printing Office, 1876:412
25. Fannette H. Tomas. Early appearance of children’s reading rooms in 
public libraries[J]. Journal of Youth Services in Libraries, 1990(4):81-85
26. Sidney Herbert Ditzion. The District-School Li-
brary,1835-55[J].Library Quarterly, 1940(10):545-577
27. Wayne A. Wiegand. The rich potential of American public school 
library history: research needs and opportunities for historians of education 
and librarianship[M]. Libraries & The Cultural Record,2007:57
28. UNC.Author, Critic, Editor & Librarian, Anne Carroll 
Moore[EB/OL].[2014-6-10]. http://www.unc.edu/~bflorenc/librar-
29. ALSC. ALSC history[EB/OL].[2014-06-10].http://www.
30. ALA. 100 of  the most  important  leaders we had  in  the 20th 
century: a guide  to archivalholdings[EB/OL].[2015-12-28].http://ar-
会联合会第 51 届至 53 届大会论文选译 [M]. 北京:书目文献出
32. Josephine Metcalfe Smith. A chronology of  librarian-
ship[M]. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, 1968:120
33. Mary Niles Maack.Women  in  library education: down  the 
up staircase[J]. Library Trends, 1986, 34(3):401-432
34. John V. Richardson Jr. Chronology of significant events 
in education  forlibrarianship,1870s-2010s[EB/OL].  [2014-06-10].
35. Carl M. White. The origins of  the American  library
school[M]. New York: The Scarecrow Press, Inc, 1961:95
36. Robert B. Downs. A dictionary of eminent  libraries[M].
Worland, Wyoming: High Plains Publishing Company,1990:100
37. Charles C. Williamson. Training for library service: a report pre-
pared  for  the Carnegie Corporation of New York//  the Williamson Reports
of 1921 and 1923[M]. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press, 1971:150
38. George Sylvan Bobinski, Jesse Hauk Shera, Bohdan S.
Wynar. Dictionary of american library biography[M]. Littleton, Col-
orado: Libraries Unlimited, Inc, 1978:138-139
39. Christine A. Jenkins. The history of youth services librar-
anship: a review of the research literature [J]. Libraries & Culture,
2000, 35(1):103-140

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