
陈玉梅 陈珊珊 (暨南大学公共管理学院 / 应急管理学院)


〔关键词〕 政务数据开放 应急管理 LEHD(纵向雇主 - 家庭动态项目) TRI(毒 性化学品排放目录)

〔摘   要〕 文章介绍了美国政务数据开放实践,通过分析其 LEHD 和 TRI 项目当中政 务数据开放给应急管理带来的变革和发展,发现政务数据既是应急管理信息资源的重要组 成,也是应急协作成功的关键,它大大提升了社会整体应急准备能力和全社会参与。

1. Lindsay B R. Federal Emergency Management: A Brief Introduction[C]// Congressional Research  Service Reports.  Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service, 2012.
2. 余红 , 刘娟 . 开放数据及其对图书馆信息资源共享的 影响 [J]. 图书馆,2014(4):87-90.
  3. National Response  Framework: January 2008. [EB/OL]. [2017-10-15].
  4. Homeland Security Presidential Directive-5:  Management of Domestic Incidents.  [EB/OL].[2017-10-20]. publication/homeland-security-presidential-directive-5
   5. 朱建锋 , 丁雯 . 突发公共事件应急管理信息共享研究 [J]. 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版),2011, 33(3):
  6. Silva T, Wuwongse V, Sharma H N. Disaster mitigation and preparedness using linked open data[J]. Journal  of Ambient Intelligence & Humanized Computing, 2013, 4(5):591-602.
     7. Janssen M, Matheus R, Zuiderwijk A. Big and Open Linked Data(BOLD)to  Create Smart Cities and Citizens: Insights from Smart Energy and Mobility Cases[C]// Ifip Wg 8.5 International Conference on Electronic Government. Springer-Verlag  New York, Inc,2015:79-90.
  8. Olyazadeh R, Aye Z C, Jaboyedoff M, et al. Prototype of an open-source web-GIS platform for rapid disaster impact assessment[J]. Spatial Information Research, 2016, 24(3):203-210.
  9. Harrison T M, Guerrero S, Burke G B, et al. Open government and e-government:  democratic challenges from a public value perspective[J]. Information Polity, 2012, 17(2):83-97..
     10. Meijer, A., Bolívar, M. P. R. Governing  the smart city: a review of the literature on smart urban governance[J]. International Review of Administrative Sciences,2016.
     11. Nunavath V, Prinz A. LifeRescue: A web based application for emergency  responders  during  fire emergency response[C]// International  Conference  on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management. IEEE, 2017.

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